Liam Thompson

I used 1950s technology for a week

I Bought 200 Hash Browns (for science)

I Built the Secret Room I Designed as a Kid

I Built The Office From The Office

Infomercial products that definitely weren't made for me

Trying really stupid foods that used to be popular

I traveled 1,000 miles for a 3 second joke

I Installed a Coffee Tap in My Room

I was a really weird kid...

A new friend

I Built a Mirror That Roasts Your Outfit

I was a SAVAGE baby...

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Sleeping on a Giant Marshmallow

Stupid Ways to Stay Warm

Buying stupid gadgets so you don't have to

Buying stupid gadgets so you don't have to 3

I traveled across the country for a sandwich

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The 150ft Waterslide (that didn't end well)

I ate beans for 100 days straight

Which Country Has the Best Happy Meal?